The Room Parents at North Fayette Elementary School are dedicated volunteers who utilize their talents and resources to support the school’s mission and objectives. As members of the PTO Room Parent Committee we are committed to...

REASURRING teachers with collaborative support;

ORGANIZING classroom parties & events;

OFFERING volunteer opportunities to other parents;

MINDFULLY investing in the educational journey of each child.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thank You for Being a Room Parent!

As NFES Room Parents we utilize our talents and resources to support the school’s mission and objectives. Throughout this year we have accomplished our mission by reassuring teachers with committed support, organizing classroom parties and events, offering volunteer opportunities for other parents, and mindfully investing in each child’s educational journey. Thank you for every act of volunteerism (seen and unseen). You truly have been a faithful hug of support to the teachers and students at NFES. Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you next year!   

“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.”
(Author unknown)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End of Year Party Planning

It is hard to believe the school year will end in just over two weeks. The End-of-Year parties will be on Friday, May 27th at 1:15. The party letters can be found in the Room Parent forms section of NFES’ website (see link on right column). Here are some great resources for planning a fun classroom party:

Classroom Parties: Getting Organized

End of School Year Party Ideas

Fun Last Day of School Party for Kids

Have a Last Day of School Party

Last Day of School Activities

Party Planning for Teachers