The Room Parents at North Fayette Elementary School are dedicated volunteers who utilize their talents and resources to support the school’s mission and objectives. As members of the PTO Room Parent Committee we are committed to...

REASURRING teachers with collaborative support;

ORGANIZING classroom parties & events;

OFFERING volunteer opportunities to other parents;

MINDFULLY investing in the educational journey of each child.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Holiday Party Planning

The Holiday Party is on Thursday, December 20th at 1:00. Let's plan early by discussing the party letters, gift exchange ideas (if applicable), and menu with the homeroom teachers. Our party letters should include information about the party, gift exchange (if applicable), and teacher gift (if applicable). Let's try to have our letters sent home to the parents no later than the Tuesday, December 4th. This will give us two weeks for donation collection and follow-up calls. Party letters can be downloaded and revised from NFES' website under "Room Parent Information"

Teacher Preferences: Your homeroom teacher may have preferences on teacher gifts (from students to teacher) and student gift exchanges (student to student).
  • Some teachers provide gifts to their students so that parents do not have to purchase gifts.
  • Some teachers allow the children to bring a book or gift (minimal cost) to participate in the gift exchange.
  • Some teachers do not prefer to have gift exchanges due to cultural sensitivities and cost.
The highlights of the holiday party are the gift exchange, playing with new toys, watching the movie, and eating holiday treats. If your class is not having a gift exchange, then consider incorporating the movie, some games and/or a craft, and eating holiday treats. Remember to arrive no later than 12:30 to begin your set-up and have fun!

Here are some helpful resources:

The Better Practices Guide (NFES Room Parent Resources)

Holiday Diversity (intended for teachers, but good information for room parents)

Ideas for activities, decorating, games, goodies, planning, and snacks:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Character Day Party

The first classroom party is Wednesday, October 31st, 1:00-2:00. Parents may arrive to the classroom at 12:30 to help with setup. The school-wide parade is early in the day at 10:00. The focus of this party should be on “Book Characters” rather than Halloween. Avoid scary decorations (witches, bats, ghosts, haunted houses). Pumpkins, fall foliage, or orange décor is suitable. You are welcome to dress in a suitable costume (but not required).

 Letters to Parents

The updated Character Day Party letter and the School Year Party Sign-up letters were sent via email. Other party letters are located on the NFES website under the PTO section. Please contact your teacher this week to discuss the Fall Character day party activities, menu, and collection of goods (food, supplies). Plan to have your letters ready for dissemination to the students’ families by Tuesday, October 9th. Allowing almost three (3)weeks gives plenty of time for the families to plan and time for you to make follow-up calls.


Due to the economic downturn families are more likely to contribute non-monetary items (baked goods, candy, snacks, fruit, drinks, treat bags, and supplies). Should you decide to ask for cash donations please be prepared to cover your expenses in case the expected amount is not received. With rising cost of food and supplies you are encouraged to plan wisely. Room Parents are welcome to contribute to the class party, but remember to include all the families in the process.

Spanish Speaking Families:

Most, if not all, classrooms have Spanish speaking families. Please discuss the composition of your classroom with the assigned teacher to determine if letter translation is needed. Plan early to allow a few days for turnaround of the Spanish letters.

Room Parent Planning:

The updated Room Parent Best Practices Guide was sent via email for help in planning your first party. You will find additional resources under the Parent/PTO section of the NFES website

Have a great party!

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 -2013 Room Parent Duties

Chairperson: Sheila Toppin
  • Ensure that each class/teacher has a room parent(s).
  • Maintain the Room Parent Blog.
  • Provide assistance and resources to Room Parents.
  • Follow-up with Room Parents in advance of all class parties.
  • Provide ongoing feedback to the PTO President & Committee reports to the PTO.

Room Parent Committee Members: All Room Parent leads and Assistants.
  • Volunteer in classroom regularly.
  • Organize classroom parties and other events with teacher:
    • October 31st Character Day Party
    • December 20th Holiday Party
    • February 14th Valentine’s Day Party
    • May 24th End of Year Party
  • Coordinate volunteers and supplies for classroom parties and events.
  • Communicate classroom volunteer needs or concerns to PTO Volunteer Committee Chairperson
  • Log into the Room Parent Blog regularly for updates, volunteer needs, and documents:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Room Parents Needed

Dear North Fayette Elementary School Parents and Guardians,

Do you want to make a difference in your child’s classroom…Be a Room Parent!!! The commitment is minimal – the rewards are great!

What are the responsibilities of a Room Parent?

Ø Act as a liaison between your child’s teacher, classroom families, and the PTO Room Parent Committee.

Ø Communicate information to families in your classroom regarding classroom activities.

Ø Help ensure all our children benefit from and enjoy the classroom activities planned for the year.

Ø Develop camaraderie with teachers, other parents and members of the Room Parent Committee.

Contact your student’s teacher for more information. Also, send an email message to to let me know which teacher/grade level you will be working with. 

Thank you  in  advance for your willingness to volunteer!

Sheila Toppin, PTO Volunteer Committee Chairperson

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thank you!

Throughout this year we have accomplished our mission by supporting to the teachers and investing our time and resources in each child’s educational journey. Thank you for every act of volunteerism (seen and unseen). You truly have been a faithful hug of support to the teachers and students at NFES. Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing you next year!  
“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.”
(Author unknown)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week Gift Ideas


Principal Bolton

Assistant Principal Sibley
Hobbies - reading, shopping, swimming and going to beach, dining out
Favorite Color - pink
Favorite Music - pop/soft rock
Favorite Gifts - Bath and body works, pedicures, Starbucks, dining out gift cards
Favorite Snack - chocolate, granola bars, crackers
Favorite Drinks - diet coke, vitamin water zero

Pre-K    Pre-K   

Hobbies - reading, computing, sleeping
Favorite Color - green
Favorite Music - everything /rock, old jazz (Louis - Bessy- Ella, etc...), Mahalia Jackson, classical, opera, hard rock, alternative,
Favorite Gifts - candles, manicures/pedicures, music, gift cards
Favorite Snack - don't really have one
Favorite Drinks - coffee, Coke, water

Hobbies: Anything with sunflowers
Favorite Color: orange & red
Favorite Music: R&B
Favorite Gifts: gift cards
Favorite Snack: popcorn
Favorite Drink: Diet Pepsi


Hobbies – knitting, writing, crochet, reading (any mystery writer)
Favorite color – purple
Favorite music – pop, instrumental
Favorite Gifts – shopping gift cards
Favorite Snacks – popcorn, pretzels, chocolate
Favorite Drinks – unsweet iced tea


Hobbies – reading, scrapbooking, cooking
Favorite color – green
Favorite music – country, Christian
Favorite Gifts – flowers, jewelry, new items for the classroom
Favorite Snacks –anything peanut butter, ice cream
Favorite Drinks – water


Hobbies: Reading
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Music: all types of music
Favorite Gifts: Gift Cards, Candles
Favorite Snack: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite Drinks: Coke


Hobbies - reading, travel, music
Favorite Color - all shades of pink
Favorite Music - Contemporary Gospel and Jazz
Favorite Gifts - Starbucks gift cards, Barnes and Noble gift card, bath items, manicures/pedicures, spa gift card
Favorite Snacks - Caramel popcorn, or any popcorn with chocolate
Favorite Drinks - Starbucks Caramel Macchioto coffee, cranberry juice


Hobbies: scrapbooking, reading
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Music: country
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, books, jewelry, music, manicures/pedicures, sports apparel (K.C. Chiefs, Kansas Jayhawks)
Favorite Snack: fruit, peanut butter crackers, Jr. Mints, Lifesavers
Favorite Drink: water, sweet tea, Coke, Dr. Pepper

1st Grade   1st Grade  

Hobbies: reading (Jodi Picoult), walking
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Music: any
Favorite Gifts: restaurant gift Cards, candles, flowers, jewelry, plants, manicures/pedicures, new items for classroom (paper, Staples gift cards)
Favorite Snack: pizza, sandwiches


Hobbies: laughing, jazz, fishing, collecting African American angels
Favorite Color: sky blue
Favorite Music: jazz, gospel, gospel jazz
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, chocolate, candles, flowers, jewelry, music, plants, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: popcorn, spicy nachos, anything chocolate
Favorite Drink: anything sugar free

Hobbies: gardening, walking, photography
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Music: country
Favorite Gifts: restaurant gift cards
Favorite Snack: apples, yogurt, peach cobbler
Favorite Drink: tea


Hobbies: walking, going to the gym
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Music: country
Favorite Gifts: restaurant gift cards, candy, candles, jewelry, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: popcorn, Cheezits, pretzels, Nestle Crunch, Twix, brownies
Favorite Drink: water, decaf coffee, Coke

Hobbies: reading, walking, sewing, cooking
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Music: worship, Christian, country, variety
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, flowers, plants
Favorite Snack: 94% popcorn, fruit, smoothies, chocolate
Favorite Drink: water, coffee

Hobbies: reading poetry, writing, sewing
Favorite Color: black, blue, red, gold
Favorite Music: gospel, soul
Favorite Gifts: shopping gift cards, books, flowers, jewelry (pierced earrings), music, note cards, stamps
Favorite Snack: crackers, fruit, ice cream, granola bars
Favorite Drink: coffee, water

2nd Grade   2nd Grade  

Hobbies - Reading, hiking, shopping
Favorite Color - white, green
Favorite Music - all kinds minus country
Favorite Gifts - gift cards, books, flowers, new items for classroom
Favorite Snack - Anything with chocolate, cheesy popcorn and chips
Favorite Drinks - water, apple juice, apple soda

Hobbies: reading
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Music: classical
Favorite Gifts: restaurant and bookstore gift cards, plants, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: Planter’s peanuts, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups
Favorite Drink: Coke, coffee, bottle water

Hobbies - travelling, arts& crafts
Favorite Color - shades of pink
Favorite Music - Corrin Bailey/ Mary J Blige/ Gospel
Favorite Gifts - gift cards
Favorite Snack - dark chocolate covered almonds
Favorite Drinks - Simply's raspberry lemonade

Hobbies: traveling, reading
Favorite Color: pink
Favorite Music:
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, items for class (white boards – class set)
Favorite Snack: popcorn, dark chocolate
Favorite Drink: Cherry Coke Zero, coffee, water, hot chocolate

3rd Grade   3rd Grade  

Hobbies: reading, outdoor exploring, movies, cooking
Favorite Color: blue, purple, turquoise
Favorite Music: anything except country
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, books, candles, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: fruit, 100 calorie packs, brownies, Good-n-Plenty, Junior Mints
Favorite Drink: diet Mountain Dew, water, Crystal Light

Hobbies: reading, music, traveling
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Music:
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, flowers, plants, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: Doritos, organs, Lindor milk chocolate & truffles
Favorite Drink: water, Coke

Hobbies: working out, scrapbooking, travel
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Music: R&B, old school
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: popcorn, chips & salsa, chocolate
Favorite Drink: lemonade, Sprite

Hobbies: swimming, reading, crafts, travelling, sightseeing
Favorite Color: blue, green, purple
Favorite Music: blues, contemporary Christian
Favorite Gifts: gift cards, manicure/pedicures
Favorite Snack: nuts, fruit, pie
Favorite Drink: water

4th Grade   4th Grade   

Hobbies:reading, tennis, gardening, volleyball
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Music: Christian, jazz, classical
Favorite Gifts: restaurant gift cards, books, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: fruit
Favorite Drink: water, green tea

Hobbies: photography
Favorite Color: red
Favorite Music: rock
Favorite Gifts: shopping gift cards, candy, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snack: granola bars, animal crackers, brownies, M&Ms
Favorite Drink: Coke, water

Hobbies: sewing
Favorite Color: pink, red
Favorite Music: R&B, blues, gospel, jazz
Favorite Gifts: restaurant gift cards
Favorite Snack: potato chips, peanuts, Payday candy bars, Peanut M&Ms
Favorite Drink: iced tea, Sprite

5th Grade   5th Grade  

Hobbies - reading, yoga, gardening, walking
Favorite Color - purple
Favorite Music - all except country
Favorite Gifts - gift cards to Vnails and Visa Gift cards
Favorite Snack – none
Favorite Drinks - hot teas of variety


Hobbies: Roller skating, swimming, traveling, and cooking

Favorite Color: red and pink
Favorite Music: 80's, 90's, R & B, soft rock
Favorite Gifts (list any of the following: gift cards(shopping or nails),candles (fruity scents), manicure/pedicure
Favorite Snack: flavored popcorn, flavored crackers, or cashews
Favorite Drinks: water or coffee

Hobbies - Bowling
Favorite Color - Purple
Favorite Music - Jazz
Favorite Gifts - Candles
Favorite Snack - Granola Bars
Favorite Drinks - Specialized Coffee

Specials   Specials  

Art – Briscoe
Hobbies – art
Favorite Color – black
Favorite Music –Jazz/R&B
Favorite Gifts – restaurant gift cards
Favorite Snacks – nuts
Favorite Drinks – any non-sweetened

EIP/Lead –Myers
Hobbies – reading (Carolyn Hart), sewing, gardening
Favorite color – midnight blue
Favorite music – Christian, easy listening
Favorite Gifts – restaurant and bookstore gift cards, chocolate candy
Favorite Snacks – fruit, vegetables, cheese
Drinks – water, Coke

EIP/Lead –Doss
Hobbies – ballroom dancing, reading, bowling, sewing
Favorite color – green
Favorite music – jazz, country
Favorite Gifts – shopping gift cards, plants, manicures/pedicures, sports apparel (Atl Braves)
Favorite Snacks – fruit, cheese, crackers, chocolate
Drinks – water

EIP - Brown

EIP – Fortner

EIP – George
Hobbies:  Bowling, Reading
Favorite Color: yellow
Favorite Music: Christian Contemporary
Favorite Gifts: gift cards
Favorite Snack: salt free cashews
Favorite Drinks: spring water

Parent Liaison/Spanish Translator – Ferero

Parent Involvement – McIntosh
Hobbies: shopping and reading
Favorite Color: green and orange
Favorite Music: contemporary gospel, R&B, Pop
Favorite Gifts - jewelry, gift cards, magazines or inspirational books.
Favorite Snack: chocolate covered raisins, plain chips, and shortbread, cookies
Favorite Drinks: water

Enrichment– Kirkland
Hobbies - Travel, Scuba diving, reptiles
Favorite Color - Blue
Favorite Music - Diverse
Favorite Gifts – gift cards
Favorite Snack -chocolate
Favorite Drinks -water

ESOL - Knight
Hobbies – shopping, jogging, reading (parenting books/magazines)
Favorite color – blue
Favorite music – Christian, country
Favorite Gifts – shopping gift cards, new items for the classroom
Favorite Snacks –peanuts, crackers, yogurt, granola bars, pizza, dark chocolate
Favorite Drinks – Tea, Sprite, water

Media Center – Cieutat
Hobbies – reading
Favorite color – green
Favorite Gifts - gift cards
Favorite Snacks - chocolate, ice cream

Math -Meredith
Hobbies – cooking, reading, walking
Favorite Color – Green
Favorite Music- Top 40’s & Oldies
Favorite Gifts – Gift cards (Starbucks, restaurant, bookstore), manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snacks – cashews, almonds
Favorite Drinks – coffee, coconut water (natural)

Media Center – Davis
Hobbies – reading, cooking
Favorite music – country
Favorite Gifts – shopping & restaurant gift cards, candles, plants
Favorite Snacks – 90 cal bars, ice cream
Drinks – Coke zero

Music – Hearn
Hobbies – reading, outdoors, cooking
Favorite color – blue
Favorite music– Any
Favorite Gifts – gift cards, flowers, plants, manicures/pedicures
Favorite Snacks - fruit, sandwiches, pizza
Drinks – diet

Reading/Language Arts - Castillo

Physical Education – Coach Blalock
Hobbies - Swimming , Golf
Favorite color - purple
Favorite music - Christian
Favorite Gifts - candles, cards
Favorite Snacks - nuts and fruit
Favorite Drinks – water

Physical Education – Coach Wallace

Special Education – Reagin
Hobbies - scrapbooking, crafts
Favorite Color - Green
Favorite Music - 60's
Favorite Gifts - flowers, plants, or new items for the classroom
Favorite Snack - nuts
Favorite Drinks - Diet Coke

Special Education – Ritter
Hobbies – spending time with family
Favorite color – green
Favorite music – any
Favorite Gifts – restaurant & movie gift cards, manicures/pedicures, sports apparel (Alabama, Atl Braves)
Favorite Snacks – fruit, popcorn, chocolate frozen yogurt
Favorite Drinks – smoothies, coffee

Special Education – Franklin

Speech – Burdeshaw

Hobbies – writing, gardening, going to the beach, photography
Favorite color – blue
Favorite music –alternative rock
Favorite Gifts – department store gift cards, candy, candles, jewelry, plants, manicures/pedicures, sports apparel (Alabama football)
Favorite Snacks – Oreos, granny smith apples
Drinks – Vanilla Coke, Crystal Light, crangrape juice, white grape and peach juice

ESOL – Knight

Technology– Killikelly

Hobbies –cooking, reading (Anna Quinlan, Toni Morrison, Jonathan Franzan)
Favorite color – peach
Favorite music – R&R, alternative
Favorite Gifts – shopping & bookstore gift cards, music, manicures/pedicures, sports apparel (Atl Hawks)
Favorite Snacks – fruit, Fiber One bars, chocolate
Drinks – water, coffee, iced tea (unsweet)

Technology– Striler