The Room Parents at North Fayette Elementary School are dedicated volunteers who utilize their talents and resources to support the school’s mission and objectives. As members of the PTO Room Parent Committee we are committed to...

REASURRING teachers with collaborative support;

ORGANIZING classroom parties & events;

OFFERING volunteer opportunities to other parents;

MINDFULLY investing in the educational journey of each child.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Character Day Party

The first classroom party is Wednesday, October 31st, 1:00-2:00. Parents may arrive to the classroom at 12:30 to help with setup. The school-wide parade is early in the day at 10:00. The focus of this party should be on “Book Characters” rather than Halloween. Avoid scary decorations (witches, bats, ghosts, haunted houses). Pumpkins, fall foliage, or orange décor is suitable. You are welcome to dress in a suitable costume (but not required).

 Letters to Parents

The updated Character Day Party letter and the School Year Party Sign-up letters were sent via email. Other party letters are located on the NFES website under the PTO section. Please contact your teacher this week to discuss the Fall Character day party activities, menu, and collection of goods (food, supplies). Plan to have your letters ready for dissemination to the students’ families by Tuesday, October 9th. Allowing almost three (3)weeks gives plenty of time for the families to plan and time for you to make follow-up calls.


Due to the economic downturn families are more likely to contribute non-monetary items (baked goods, candy, snacks, fruit, drinks, treat bags, and supplies). Should you decide to ask for cash donations please be prepared to cover your expenses in case the expected amount is not received. With rising cost of food and supplies you are encouraged to plan wisely. Room Parents are welcome to contribute to the class party, but remember to include all the families in the process.

Spanish Speaking Families:

Most, if not all, classrooms have Spanish speaking families. Please discuss the composition of your classroom with the assigned teacher to determine if letter translation is needed. Plan early to allow a few days for turnaround of the Spanish letters.

Room Parent Planning:

The updated Room Parent Best Practices Guide was sent via email for help in planning your first party. You will find additional resources under the Parent/PTO section of the NFES website

Have a great party!

Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 -2013 Room Parent Duties

Chairperson: Sheila Toppin
  • Ensure that each class/teacher has a room parent(s).
  • Maintain the Room Parent Blog.
  • Provide assistance and resources to Room Parents.
  • Follow-up with Room Parents in advance of all class parties.
  • Provide ongoing feedback to the PTO President & Committee reports to the PTO.

Room Parent Committee Members: All Room Parent leads and Assistants.
  • Volunteer in classroom regularly.
  • Organize classroom parties and other events with teacher:
    • October 31st Character Day Party
    • December 20th Holiday Party
    • February 14th Valentine’s Day Party
    • May 24th End of Year Party
  • Coordinate volunteers and supplies for classroom parties and events.
  • Communicate classroom volunteer needs or concerns to PTO Volunteer Committee Chairperson
  • Log into the Room Parent Blog regularly for updates, volunteer needs, and documents: