Minutes from NFES PTO Room Parent Committee Meeting
December 9, 2010 @ 5:30
I. Call to Order:
II. Guest Speaker Jade Bolton, NFES Principal thanked Room Parents for their commitment to the school. She mentioned the classroom parties are a highlight for the students. Principal Bolton relayed the importance of parental involvement in the classroom and the good example for the children. She closed with an invitation for Room Parents to contact her or Vice Principal Spicer if assistance is needed.
III. Unfinished Business:
A. Teacher Expectations/Room Parent Responsibilities - Room Parents provided an update of their working relationship with their homeroom teachers. Each communicated they have a good understanding of their teacher's expectations.
B. Feedback on Fall Character Day Party - Room Parents provided feedback on the Fall Party.
1. Overall, most classrooms had a well planned party, but one classroom had a food shortage. The group suggested the Committee implement an emergency communication system to use when problems or shortages occur during parties.
2. The group discussed financial support/donations from parents - A few classrooms did not receive enough financial support so the Room Parents had to pay out of pocket for party supplies and food. The Room Parents were encouraged to use follow-up notes, email messages, and telephone calls to remind parents about the donations. Also, the group discussed using another method (instead of asking for financial donations ask for specific items).
C. Room Parent Expense Report - Room Parents were reminded to submit the Expense Report and Receipts to their homeroom teachers after each party.
IV. New Business/Open Forum:
A. Holiday Party (December 16th @1:15) - Discussed upcoming party, planning, and expectations. Room Parents were encouraged to work closely with homeroom teachers on party activities
B. Room Parent Blog - Room Parents mentioned they have accessed the blog and find it very helpful. No suggestions for improvement.
C. Online Room Parent Documents - Room Parents appreciate having easy access to the forms and find them easy to access via NFES' website
D. Teacher Assistance - Room Parents advised they do not have a weekly or monthly classroom volunteer schedule; however, they assist with events (field trip, projects, etc.) as needed. A few Room Parents work in the classroom or volunteer for PTO activities a few times a month when they are available.
E. Ideas & Suggestions for improving the Room Parent Role/Committee - Room Parents expressed their appreciation for having an organized forum and support.
1. Suggestion to have more meetings.
2. Suggestion to meet when there are no conflicts with PTO meetings.
3. Suggestion for implementation of an emergency communication system to use the day of parties.
F. Q&A
1. A Room Parent inquired about asking parents for donations for classroom supplies (hand sanitizer, tissues, etc.). Room Parents were encouraged consult with their homeroom teachers regarding classroom supplies. Teachers may already have a system in place to solicit additional supplies for the classroom.
V. Adjournment - Next Meeting: Thursday, February 17 @ 6:00 p.m.