NFES Data Room
A. Call to Order
B. Minutes: None (first meeting of year)
C. Ice Breaker
D. Speaker: Bethany McIntosh, Title 1 Parent Involvement Coordinator (8:00 session)
E. Unfinished Business:
1. Volunteer/Room Parent Committee Mission & Objectives
2. Communication
a. Email:
b. Volunteer Committee Blog:
c. Room Parent Blog:
3. Dolphin Volunteer Program
4. Room Parent Committee Forms – NFES Website, Parent Info, PTO
a. Party letters (English/Spanish)
b. Room Parent materials
c. Volunteer recruitment information
F. New Business:
1. Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities for October, November, December 2011
a. Fall Outdoor Clean-up Saturday, Oct. 15th 9:00-12:00 - Contact: Sheila Toppin
(Overview/Sign-up, Work Crew Leaders, Volunteer Recruitment)
b. 5th Grade Conference, Oct. 15-20th - Contact: 5th Grade Teachers/Room Parents
c. Bus Driver Appreciation, Oct. 18th - Contact: PTO President Sherry McMullen
d. Fall Character Day Party October 31st - Contact: Teachers/Room Parents
e. Holiday Party Dec. 15th - Contact: Teachers/Room Parents
f. Mentor Program - Contact: Counselor Heather Sherwood
g. Servers for Thanksgiving Feast in November/Holiday Feast in December – Contact: Mrs. Putnam
h. Classroom Support - Contact: Teachers
i. Media Center - Contact: Sherry Cieutat, Media Specialist
2. Teacher Expectations
3. Recruiting Other Parents - “Tips and Tools of Successful Recruiting!”
4. Monetary Contributions from Parents
a. Approaches – Monetary donations, Non-monetary contributions, Hardships
b. Financial Accountability – Room Parent Expense Report
G. Open Forum: Q & A
H. Adjournment: